Interested in Joining the Board of Directors?
If you are interested in joining the Board and lending your voice to help health officers across the state, please reach out to any member of the Board. The Board is always seeking new membership, and wants to be inclusive and welcoming to health officers from all areas of the state to ensure equal representation of health officer needs. The Board meets virtually 10 times annually on the third Tuesday of each month.
In order to be eligible to serve on the Board, you must be a health officer or deputy health appointed by a town or municipality and a NHHOA member in good standing. The Board is elected by the membership, and nominations may be made at the annual workshop held in the fall each year. The term of office for each director is for three years (NHHOA By-laws Article IV).
The Board of Directors strives to ensure NH Health Officers have the best available tools, resources, and training at their disposal to effectively carry out their day to day roles as health officers. The Board helps to ensure trainings made available at the spring and fall workshops are timely and relevant for the entire membership. The Board works to review legislation that may impact health officers, and partners with NH DHHS and the New Hampshire Municipal Association (NHMA) to address concerns with proposed legislation. The Board also provides written and oral testimony to the state legislature regarding proposed legislation, its impacts on local communities, and the role of the health officer in protecting the public.
If interested, reach out to:
Wayne Whitford, President: wrwhitford@aol.com
Brian Lockard, Vice President: blockard@salemnh.gov